
Frequently asked questions

About PingWeb

What is PingWeb?

PingWeb is a comprehensive monitoring service that helps you keep track of your website's uptime, domain expiry, SSL certificate status, and source code changes. Our tools ensure your website remains operational and secure by providing timely alerts and detailed insights.

What services does PingWeb offer?

PingWeb offers various monitoring services including uptime monitoring, domain expiry monitoring, SSL certificate monitoring, and source code monitoring. Each service is designed to alert you to potential issues before they impact your website's performance and user experience.

How does PingWeb work?

PingWeb continuously monitors your website using various checks and protocols. If an issue is detected, such as downtime, expired domains, SSL certificate problems, or changes in source code, PingWeb sends you an alert via your preferred communication channels, such as email, SMS, Slack, or WhatsApp.

Who can benefit from using PingWeb?

PingWeb is ideal for website owners, developers, IT administrators, and businesses of all sizes who want to ensure their websites are always up and running smoothly. It's especially useful for e-commerce sites, corporate websites, and any online platform that requires high availability and security.

Uptime Monitoring

What is Uptime Monitoring and how does it work?

Uptime Monitoring is a service that continuously checks the availability and responsiveness of your website. It works by sending regular requests to your website and analyzing the responses received.

If your website becomes unavailable or responds slowly, you will receive alerts, allowing you to take immediate action to resolve any issues and minimize downtime.

Why do I need to set it up for my website?

Setting up Uptime Monitoring for your website is essential for several reasons.

Firstly, it allows you to proactively monitor the availability and responsiveness of your website, ensuring that it is accessible to users at all times. By receiving alerts about downtime or performance issues, you can take immediate action to resolve them and minimize any negative impact on user experience.

Additionally, Uptime Monitoring helps you track your website's reliability over time, allowing you to identify trends and make informed decisions to improve uptime and optimize performance.

Overall, Uptime Monitoring is a vital tool for maintaining a positive online presence, preserving customer trust, and maximizing business opportunities.

What kind of alerts can I receive if my website goes down?

When your website experiences downtime, you can expect to receive alerts via email, SMS, or other preferred channels. These alerts notify you immediately, enabling you to investigate and resolve the issue promptly to minimize any negative impact on user experience and business operations.

Can I monitor multiple websites with your service?

Yes, our service enables simultaneous monitoring of multiple websites. You can easily add each site to your dashboard and customize monitoring settings for each.

This centralized approach offers a comprehensive view of your online properties, ensuring efficient oversight of their performance and availability.

Whether you have one or many websites, our service scales to meet your needs, allowing proactive issue identification and maintenance of optimal performance for all sites, ensuring a seamless user experience.

SSL Monitoring

What is SSL Monitoring and how does it work?

SSL Monitoring checks your website’s SSL certificates regularly to ensure they are valid, not expired, and properly configured. If any issues are detected, you'll receive alerts to maintain a secure connection for your users.

How does the notification system for SSL issues work?

When an SSL issue is detected, you'll receive alerts via email, SMS, Slack, and WhatsApp. These notifications provide details about the problem, allowing you to take quick action to resolve it.

What should I do if my SSL certificate is nearing expiration?

You'll receive notifications 30, 14, 7, and 1 day before your SSL certificate expires via email, SMS, Slack, and WhatsApp. Contact your SSL provider to renew the certificate before it expires to avoid security warnings and downtime.

How can I troubleshoot SSL configuration issues?

Our monitoring service alerts you to configuration issues such as incorrect certificate chains or mismatched domain names. The alerts provide detailed information to help you or your IT team quickly diagnose and fix the problem, ensuring your website remains secure.

Source Code Monitoring

How does Source Code Monitoring protect my website from security threats?

Source Code Monitoring actively scans your website's source code for any unauthorized changes or malicious code injections. By detecting and alerting you to these security threats in real-time, it helps prevent potential breaches, data leaks, and website defacements, ensuring the integrity and trustworthiness of your online presence.

Can Source Code Monitoring detect changes made by unauthorized users or malware?

Yes, Source Code Monitoring is designed to detect any modifications made to your website's source code, whether by unauthorized users or malware. It compares the current state of your code with previous versions, highlighting any discrepancies or suspicious activities. This proactive approach allows you to identify and mitigate security risks before they escalate into serious threats.

How often does the system check for changes in the source code?

The frequency of Source Code Monitoring scans depends on your chosen plan, with customizable monitoring intervals available every 10, 15, or 30 minutes. You can select the monitoring frequency that best suits your website's update frequency and security requirements.

This flexibility ensures that you receive timely alerts about any changes or anomalies in your source code, enabling you to promptly address security threats and maintain the integrity of your website.

What actions should I take if Source Code Monitoring detects a suspicious change?

If Source Code Monitoring detects a suspicious change in your website's source code, it is essential to take immediate action to investigate and address the issue. Start by reviewing the details provided in the alert to understand the nature of the modification.

Depending on the severity of the change, you may need to revert to a previous version of your code, conduct a security audit to identify any vulnerabilities, and implement additional security measures to prevent future incidents. It's also recommended to update your passwords and review access permissions to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access.

Domain Monitoring

What is domain expiry monitoring and how does it work?

Domain expiry monitoring is the process of tracking the expiration date of your domain to ensure it remains active and registered under your ownership. Our service continuously checks the registration status of your domain at regular intervals. We monitor your domain every 12 or 24 hours, depending on your selected plan.

By doing this, we can provide timely notifications before your domain expires, preventing any unintentional lapses in registration. This proactive approach helps you avoid the risk of losing your domain, which could lead to website downtime or loss of your brand’s online presence.

Why do I need domain monitoring for my website?

Domain expiry monitoring is essential for maintaining uninterrupted access to your website. If your domain registration lapses, your website will become inaccessible, leading to potential loss of traffic, revenue, and credibility.

By using domain expiry monitoring, you ensure that you are alerted well in advance of your domain's expiration date. This gives you ample time to renew your domain registration, thereby maintaining continuous operation and avoiding any disruptions to your online presence.

What kind of alerts can I receive if my domain is about to expire?

Our service provides timely alerts to help you stay on top of your domain’s status. We send notifications at critical intervals: 30 days, 14 days, 7 days, and 1 day before your domain is due to expire.

These alerts are designed to ensure you have sufficient time to take action and renew your domain. Alerts can be received via SMS, email, WhatsApp, or Slack, based on your preference. Each alert includes detailed information about the domain and the upcoming expiration date, prompting you to renew it promptly to avoid any downtime.

Can I monitor multiple domains with your service?

Yes, our service allows you to monitor multiple domains simultaneously. You can add all your domains to your monitoring dashboard.

This feature is particularly useful for businesses or individuals managing multiple websites. It ensures that all your domains are tracked and that you receive timely notifications for each, helping you keep your entire online portfolio active and secure.

How often does your service check my domain's expiry status?

Our domain expiry monitoring service checks the status of your domain every 12 or 24 hours, depending on your chosen plan. This frequent monitoring ensures that any changes in your domain’s status are quickly detected.

By performing these regular checks, we can provide you with up-to-date information and timely alerts about your domain's expiration. This proactive approach helps you avoid the risk of accidental domain expiry, ensuring your website remains accessible and operational.
